How to get Involved

We have engaged with banks and organisations (such as NGOs, universities and supervisors) throughout this project to ensure the relevance and applicability of the tilt database to financial institutions and the community.

To date, a range of European banks and organisations have expressed an interest in the project and are involved as part of a structured engagement.

If you are interested in getting involved areas of potential collaboration are:

  • As it progresses to include feedback from the existing bank user group, new versions of tilt will be released during 2023 and 2024. As a user group bank you have the opportunity to test the most recent version and indicate what would be most useful to you.

  • We are targeting a set of key countries for our first dataset (Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain). Our current EU-funding is limited to specific EU countries and we are looking for financial support to be able to deliver on the targeted country coverage and also to extend our dataset within and beyond Europe.

  • We are interested in making our methodology as transparent as possible and therefore welcome feedback from financial institutions, research community and NGO sphere. Please let us know if you would like to be part of the tilt community and offer your feedback.

  • We plan for the governance of this programme to be a multi-stakeholder process and funding model. Financial institutions providing general financial support can participate in this governance process which will inform methodology decisions and the long-term programme management. Financial support also helps elevate the quality and scale of the overall project.

If you would like to participate as a User group bank or want to be part of the tilt community please contact us: